Today is a special day, sort of a holiday feel: the official “album release” day of Rock and Roll Daydreams. A few friends will celebrate with us tonight at the BBQ joint. We’re one of a million or so local/regional bands that makes music, maybe past the time when we should knock it off. By the time one record has been paid off, three more have been made! It’s ridiculous! We’re shitzus looking in the mirror and seeing lions! Maybe tonight is our big break! If, that is, our big break is being alive, together, creative, celebrating in E major and making major clams, meeting new people.

I’ll celebrate because one woman told me she listened to one of my early records while having a baby. Another friend listened to the same record while nursing his dad at the end of his life. One friend got the For Your Radio tape stuck in his truck cassette player almost 25 years ago, and still likes it, and his daughter liked it as well as Britney Spears back in the day. (She just got married). My pal Rob made a point of playing “Being Difficult” for his girlfriend while they were having a listening party in his apartment on some Sunday afternoon in Seattle. It’s a great thing to provide a little soundtrack for all of this, and keep hammering the point home: anyone can do it, just start, and try to get better at it.


