I’ve been cleaning out my ToDoist app as I move over the bullet journal method and I found some excellent quotes that I want to capture here before I delete:
Whenever you play you're getting ready for the next time you're gonna play. (Mike Watt)
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. (Not sure about attribution but I think everyone’s uncle has said this along with pull my finger).
Just be true to your heart and play things that make your heart feel good and make you feel like you’re expressing your true personality. You’are not imitating anyone and you’re not doing it to get famous. You’re not doing it to get rich. You’re not doing it to attract companionship. You're doing it because you love it, because the music makes you feel good inside. That’s it. (Bill Stevenson)
I know I’m wrong 70 percent of the time. I’m just faking my way to 50/50. (Bob Forrest)
Little by little a little becomes a lot. (African proverb)