Heidi Phillips is a Kansas City musician.

1. If you could throw a party, who would cook or cater, what would the menu be, what three bands would play, and where would it be?

HP: I really miss Beer Kitchen in Westport so I think I'd have them cater, the menu would be their Beef on Weck with Truffle Fries and/or their whole menu.... this was really difficult to answer but I'm going to have to say Nirvana, Tom Petty and Fleetwood Mac. As far as where... do you know those Spaceship Ambiance scenes you can watch for hours on YouTube? On one of those spaceships please. 

2. What's your current creative project or projects? What do you want folks to know about it?

HP: I do have a new project, it's rock n roll and I have an albums worth of songs that I'm working up with my band and will be going into the studio soon. I guess that's all I can say right now. I'll keep you posted. 

3. What's a brick and mortar business you've always wanted to work at, something you'd even do for free?

HP: Any local record store.

4. What does your ideal creative day look like? 

HP: Sleep in, roll out of bed, make some coffee, pick up my guitar and pick up on a song immediately (those always seem to be the best ones). Finish writing it in half hour or so, then either recording it or working up with my band later that day. 

5. What’s your favorite record right now?

HP: That's kind of hard to say, I tend to listen to my Pandora station a lot or my Spotify Playlist of all my current favorites but if we're talking whole album I would say Tame Impala The Slow Rush.

6. What's the last book you wanted to buy 100 copies of and pass out to friends?

HP: The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

7. It’s a hot summer night and there’s beer in the cooler. What movie would you most like to show in your back yard or on a wall in a public space?

HP: It's kind of a cheesy 90's movie but, The Beach, you can make fun of me if you want.

8. How do you take care of your creative practice and stay inspired and energized?

HP: I try to just let it ebb and flow naturally, as it does. I know there are times in my life where I have to process and take in information as well as times that I feel the need to express myself. I feel like the creative process is an expression of all your life experiences so I try to cultivate and create the life I want and the creative process follows course.

9. What made you laugh the hardest this week?

HP: My sister and I were reminiscing about the time she caught her hair on fire. Don't worry it was just a small quick fire.

10. How would you have handled winning the recent ONE BILLION DOLLAR powerball jackpot?

HP: I suppose I wouldn't believe it and when I got the money I would just put it in a bank account and look at it everyday for a while until I believed it. Then I'd figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life which would probably be play music and travel and at same time if possible, and figure out how to give back in some way.  


