Rough days in the USA.  Nothing terrorism experts and intelligence agencies don't understand from studying political decay, social chaos, and fascism around the world.  But still--rough.

After pulling my jaw up off the floor and a quick Twitter OD (AOC, William Kristol, Rex Chapman)  I checked in with Laurence Gonzalez' 12 Rules for Survival from his book Deep Survival.  

Not for me alone, but for our country, and the place of good people in it.  

The first rule is: Perceive and Believe

Yes--that was a terrorist with zip ties and tactical weapons in our capitol halls, invited in by sitting Senators and The President of The United States.  Yes, security forces granted access, and took time for selfies.  Yes, Cruz, Hawley, and others who incited the mob are unrepentant. 

Perceive and believe.

There weren't many consequences: getting shot, sapped, or tased in a situation where it was warranted. Getting thrown in a paddy wagon or sent to the morgue.  A sanctuary, where our flawed and ugly democracy functions, was pillaged.  A policeman was killed with a fire extinguisher.  For better or for worse, only 1 terrorist ended up on the cooling board from direct police action.

Inaction this week will lead to something worse. A violation without consequences does that. Oppressed minorities and survivors of all kinds know this all too well. 

"I never dreamed I'd see this in my lifetime" isn't an option here.

Maybe for a second.  Maybe after that first Twitter OD, or after that first text from a friend or family member.  Are you seeing this?  But only for a second.  

Yes. See it and believe it.  

This cynical, hateful bullshit is happening--with topdown advocacy and the support of many average people.


When we use the word domestic [terrorism], we discount its actual impact as political terrorism, which is, of course, political violence meant to impact an audience outside of the immediate victims.

Malcolm Nance



