The Golden Motors (me, Daniel Joseph Schmid, Mike Last, and Scott K) recorded a second album in late 2012 and early 2013, right before Tracy and I moved to KC. Life intervened, in a good way, and this 11-song long-player sat around for a little bit. It actually rolled over in its egg a number of times and caused minor worldwide earthquakes, radiation spikes, and shooting stars.
2018 rolled around and I started recording a new record with the Squids at Temple Sound here in KC, and I realized, oops, this one needed to be finished first. I'd call it a loose end, but it's not. It's the sound of friendship and time spent together and lots of Tuesday night practices and Friday night shows in Eugene and Portland and a few other places, like Camp Putt. Micah Kassell designed around one of my doodles, Tom Nunes (not on Facebook because he is busy making stuff and being awesome and super friendly Zen) mixed and mastered it in Salem, Oregon. Chris Ross guests on pedal steel and Pia Robbins provides some groovy keys on a few songs. I play some trombone (that's a warning).
Each one ships with a neat-o download sticker of my 2003 album One Man Submarine--and drop me a note, I'll catch you up on other titles you may be missing. Download available immediately with pre-order.
Thanks to everyone who supported us in the Northwest and anyone who ever said to me, hey that's a good song.