It was two years ago this week that we moved back to KC--the time has gone fast. The anniversary timed with a couple of vacation days I needed to use, so I had a staycation and on both days, took the dogs downtown for exciting city dog walks. So many snacks on the sidewalk when you are a dog in the city.
I also took a 90 minute nap both days with aforementioned 4-leggeds on the sofa, finished off a demo or two, finished Justine by Lawrence Durrell and kind of took it easy. There are things to be grateful for and also ruts to bust, after two years in a place. Downtown dog walks are a great rut buster.
Downtown KC is really booming. It's so different from the days when Dad worked in an office there and then the whole thing shut down at night like a neutron bomb had gone off. Then his office moved to Corporate Woods and the neutron bomb really went off. Some of it is mainstream entertainment but there are capillaries of culture, margins of uniqueness, like Boss Vintage Records near the Sprint Center, on 12th and McGee. Is there an independent bookstore downtown? I haven't seen one, yet.
In addition to our early show with New Baboons on 9/15, SquidsKC will be playing with The Pedaljets on Friday 9/25 at recordBAR. I'm thrilled about this, have always loved their records--carried them with me out to the Northwest and then back again twenty years later. I like the recent record just as much or more than the first two.