After watching mostly tv shows for a while now, I got David Thomson's Have You Seen...? book out again and picked up where I left off, in the B's. Of all the movies I've watched so far in my workmanlike, alphabetical commitment to recommendations from the book, the four I'd pick as my favorites: Act Of Violence; Aguirre, Wrath of God; Andrei Rublev, and Ashes and Diamonds. The last of those four left the strongest impression.
The Band Wagon started off competent, fun, and straight ahead, then took off into unabashed Disneyland creativity and outright weirdness: "Triplets" is a number that will hit you like a sock full of oranges.
Spotify hooked me up with a weird James Blood Ulmer & Rodolphe Burger record on my run this evening. This is all or mostly live with lots of electronic churgle and some deep n grimy grooves. There's tons more and I aim to check them all out.