I've wanted one of these for a long while now...I'm not a gearhead at all, I just play the stuff I have as much as I can, so I priced this for a long time on Ebay and elsewhere and thought it over and thought it over some more. It was both a thoughtful purchase and a I-want-this-because-it-is-cool purchase. A 2007 Melody Maker reissue w/ dual pickups, to compliment the "The Paul" and Telecaster that I have used for a long time. Very pleased to noodle around on this last night and get some thick scuzzy, tar-bubble sounds as well as some bright, edgy clean P90 sounds using the pickup and tone combinations.
I am heading into Fusion Bomb Studio here in two hours to play this very guitar on some final tracking for new Golden Motors record. The other two guitars I've ruminated over too much are the Gretsch Synchromatic archtop electric, and a Jazzmaster w/ trem bar. Plus the "racing green" Vox AC15s are neat and sound great. It feels good to add to the tool kit. I've wrung alot out of what I've had, and for a long time, and all of it pretty cheap stuff.
Shows coming up, including a trombone gig w/ Dave Snider's band Testface:
Friday, March 22
trombone gig w/ Testface
@ Sam Bond's (Eugene)
w/ Ape Machine, Psyrop, and Been Obscene
Saturday, March 23
solo @ Ford Food and Drink (Portland)
w/ The Eagles of Freedom
Friday, April 5
solo @ The Wandering Goat (Eugene)
w/ The Eagles of Freedom
Thursday, April 18
Golden Motors @ Luckies (Eugene)
w/ Red Jacket Mine & Hot For Chocolate