To Joy

I've made a project of watching all Bergman's movies in order.  (Not in a row, just one, once in a while.) This one is from 1950.  As always, the stillness and the light in which the characters move is lovely, even when they are acting like Swedish meatballs in angst sauce. The movie manages to treat them kindly, even while they are hysterically messed up. But it also seems to take the cruel narcissism and artistic crises of a young classical violinist fairly seriously.  This made me laugh out loud a couple of times.  Maybe it was meant to!  It's a long way from here to The Cedar Rapids Symphony.  Don't forget your rubber chicken.

We had a fine show in Portland Friday with The My Oh My's and Redray Frazier.  The Secret Society is a lovely venue.  Our next show is at Sam Bond's Garage in Eugene w/ Brothers of The Last Watch, a band that features Hillstomp drummer John Johnson.  They are a guitar-drums duo, like Hillstomp, but have a more rock and roll thing going, with some hard-assed blues and dark, fuzzy, Tony Iommi licks for good measure.  Between now and then, I will be back in the midwest for a bit, visiting family and friends in KC and Jefferson City.

I am psyched about the Ian Hunter show on 9/1 in Portland, and the Bob Mould show later in September.  It's hard to believe September is closing in and football is revving up.  We've had a few days strung together with sunshine and heat, but we're already back to cool, overcast mornings.  Not pleased.  Not pleased at all.

Armchair Opinions and Time At The Track


midsummer night's clams