blanket forts, tee pee hits, and shows on the calendar

A number of upcoming shows posted here.  CD release shows for The Golden Motors in Eugene and Portland--but wait, aren't they all cd release shows?  Look in my garage, man, every DAY is cd release day.  Crimony!  I could play blanket fort all day out there using cd inventory.

Over the past week, swimming laps has overtaken running, and I am digging it.  It's a totally different feel, and when you follow up with a ten minute sauna, that's just the best.  Going to the Downtown Athletic Club is kind of like going to a nice hotel for an hour.  I like how they have old John Cheever books in the lobby.  It's a different kind of hang.

My Kindle cover came in the mail today. It was thirty four bucks and not the handsome leather book-like item I thought it would be.  But I like cardboard and polyester veneer well enough, if I'm in the right chair, with brandy and a cigar.  I am 97% through Don Quixote.  It has taken me almost exactly a month--sometimes a labor, but mostly a good long immersion in an amazing book.  It's getting melancholy in the last chapters.  Don Quixote is going to give pastoral life a try--I don't really see it working out.  And joining AARP isn't on the table either.

Now I'm torn--I have a big pile of actual books I could read but then I could just download the Iggy Pop bio and go to town on that. Nile Rodgers has one that looks cool, too.

This blog will reach 10,000 hits in a day or so.  That seems like a milestone, but then many of the hits are aimed at a blog entry in which I posted a picture of a tee-pee.  Apparently there are not many accurate tee-pee photos out there, so when people google "picture of tee pee," my blog comes up. This particular indigenous residence was in the back yard of a house party gig in Salem.  It was kind of a punk rock, K-Records type tee pee. 

This record is on heavy rotation at DJ HQ:


Tommy Keene @ Sam Bond's Garage 1/27/12


new show on the calendar