Jeanne Moreau, Cold Leeks, and Twinkle Lights

Shot-for-shot, frame-for-frame, with a soundtrack by Miles Davis, this is the grooviest movie I've seen in a long time.  Elevator To The Gallows, directed by Louis Malle.

Winter is here in the Willamette Valley and there are gutters at our house plugged up with leaves and leeks in the garden that need to be dug up, roasted, and included in a potato soup.  I am probably going to make the soup first.

The Golden Motors clustered around a space heater for practice last night and knocked around a demo, "It's Twinkle Time," my attempt at a New York Dolls song about twinkle lights, proactive efforts to manage seasonal affective disorder, and the spirit of holiday giving when there is water in your galoshes. 


Pulitzer-Wurlitzer Syndrome


track attack + midweek gigs + electric football metaphors